Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Teknik Mekatronika

Perkembangan Dunia Robotika

Robotika merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu Teknik Mekatronika yang sekarang ini banyak digemari oleh anak remaja di dunia. Mahasiswa sebagai generasi muda juga mempunyai minat dan ketertarikan dengan robotika. Robotika adalah salah satu wacana teknologi untuk menuju peradaban yang lebih maju. Kebanyakan orang selalu beranggapan bahwa robot adalah kemajuan teknologi yang mampu menggeser tingkah laku seseorang untuk melakukan suatu tindakan. Dengan kemajuan yang pesat, maka kebutuhan akan SDM akan merosot tajam. Layaknya revolusi pada bangsa Eropa.

Ruang Lingkup Mekatronika

Ruang Lingkup Mekatronik
Ruang Lingkup Mekatronik
Mekatronika merupakan salah satu bidang studi teknik yang menggabungkan beberapa disiplin ilmu bidang Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Mekanikal dan Komputer. Jika dilihat dari beberapa sumber bidang ilmu Mekatronika dapat dilihat dari definisi berikut ini. Mechatronics is a synergistic approach to the integrated and optimal design of a mechanical system and its embedded control system, where solutions are sought that cross the borders of the different domains. Mechatronics has a great impact in many industrial activities. It is a system’s approach to the integration of information technology in all kinds of mechanical systems. The impact ranges from consumer goods (DVD-players, video recorders) to high-precision production machines, robots and automobiles. The value of the ‘electronics’ in a higher-end car (motor management, safety systems like air bags and electronic stability control, and a little bit further ahead, the automated highway) is already higher than those of the classical mechanical components. This will hold for many more products that traditionally had mainly mechanical components.
There are major industries in the Netherlands with considerable mechatronic activities. To name a few: Philips, OcĂ©, Thales. Besides these large companies there are plenty of small and medium sized enterprises with mechatronic activities that need (research and development) engineers, educated in mechatronics. These companies urgently need a constant outflow of some tens of mechatronics engineers each year. The Drebbel Institute cooperates with “Mechatronics Valley Twente”. This is an initiative of a number of SME’s to stimulate mechatronics research, development and education in the region Twente. The Drebbel Institute participates in the Mechatronics Innovation Centre aiming at bringing the mechatronic design approach to SME’s. The partner in this EU sponsored Euregio project, is the Fachhochschule in Bocholt.
Internationally the University of Twente is well known as a center for mechatronics research. The Drebbel institute is a continuation of the former ‘Mechatronics Research Institute Twente’ (MRCT), founded in 1989. The MRCT was a pioneer in mechatronics research in Dutch universities and has made the University of Twente known world wide as the pioneering mechatronics research center in the Netherlands.

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